Monday, September 30, 2013

Falling behind!

Well let's see... where did I leave off? I survived my first week! Day 1 was a general orientation for all new employees, Day 2 was with the pharmacy manager, covering some policies and procedures and basic stuff, and then the remaining 3 days I was training with this great veteran pharmacist (35 years at Georgetown) who taught me the pharmacy order entry program. There are countless new names and faces to learn, so that's a teeny bit overwhelming. The one who I totally learned, right away, was Honeygirl, but Friday was her last day so so much for the easy-to-remember names! Friday night I walked over to where the going away party was, at Continental Billiards. It was fun to hang out with my new coworkers and play some pingpong and see some most unique dance moves! :) Saturday morning, I got up bright and early and headed up to play Ultimate Frisbee with some friends from WA and OR who live near Baltimore. I have never played that particular game before so it was an interesting and fun time :) I would describe it as a combo of football, basketball, and soccer. Not entirely intuitive, but very fun :) As I was leaving here to go there, I was heading east on Highway 110 and westbound 110 was blocked for Clarendon Days 10K. It was great to see all those runners, and I had to laugh when I saw a guy running in a suit! :) It would have even been better if he would've had a briefcase with him! After Frisbee, I got to enjoy some homemade pizza - YUM! Sunday afternoon I took my bike out for its very first bike ride in 3 years. I am pleased to say I did not fall over and the tires did not go flat, so it was a successful adventure. My body is protesting loudly, but I'll go out on it again another day and try to remember what the different gears feel like and all that good stuff. I'm tempted to ride over and explore Theodore Roosevelt Island, which is near here. That night, I went to another friend's house for delicious pulled pork sandwiches and other great food. My face hurt from laughing, which is my idea of a perfect way to end a great weekend. Today I was back to work again, this time getting to enter real orders for real patients :) I still have the benefit of being under the watchful eye of my trainer, so that's reassuring. Odd things have come up already, so thank goodness he's there. For lunch, for my own amusement, I walked down the street to where the French Embassy is and stuck my foot under the fence, technically stepping in France :) Yep, I'm a dork. Not sure what I'll do this evening, but I'll think of something. Everything is going great. My navigation through that super tricky stretch is much improved, but I think the drivers here are rude and make the madness (try driving at the place called Seven Corners) even worse. Thus - I continue to do a lot of public transportation and walking :)

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